Donation campaign is over! Stretch goal reached!

We did it!

We've surpassed the first stretch goal, and can now donate the proceeds to Doctors Without Borders! Thank you, everyone.

As a reward for reaching the stretch goal, I'll be creating an image pack of chimera heads and bodies you can use in your game. Please expect this image pack some time before Christmas! I'm really looking forward to sharing it with everyone.

Okay, that's it! Have a great week!

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It's great that the donation campaign was a success!! :) Thanks for doing this 

I'm just curious if the second stretch goal that would include solo rules is still valid to be reached eventually? Unfortunately my friends are not interested in TTRPGs (I'm the only cool one lol), so I always have to play by myself and that's why I was interested in the possibility for solo rules.

You know, that's a very good question. I might open a long campaign that counts towards the solo rules, thank you for the idea!